Thursday 18 August 2011

Dragons Are UFO’s

Why do we associate UFO’s with flying saucers? UFO is an unidentified flying object. So why can’t they be dragons? They could exist in this dimension as well as aliens. We may put different names on them like Chupacabras, who are likened to medieval gargoyles. But don’t they look very much like our friend the dragon. Every story that has been told to us has more than some truth in it. Whenever we read fantasy we are getting closer to the truth. That’s why we enjoy it so much. That is why fairy tales and fantasy is believed more when we are young and new to this universe and can still remember our past lives, and have a true knowledge of things like goblins, fairies, elves, and dragons. If you can see something in your imagination it exists. If you kept reading about dragons and focused your attention totally on them every day, you would create a dragon for yourself. Although this sounds mind blowing it’s not. It is the law of cause and effect. When groups of people believe in space ships or flying saucers and focus on them every day, they will eventually see one, and it will be real.
I love to sit and visualise other worlds and people, and to write about them and pass those stories on to my grandchildren, because for me it’s real.
Harry Potter is so popular because his followers recognise a truth. If we keep believing in dragons, fairies and everything else to do with fantasy whatever age we are, we make those things come to life and make our world a more wondrous place to exist in.
dragons do fly in our skies, Merlin still casts his spells. All we have to do is to stay young at heart for our good and the good of our universe. Long live fantasy and the word fantastic, because life can be fantastic for everyone. Enjoy it and visualise. 



Sunday 7 August 2011

The Greys are coming!

Do you believe in Aliens, or to be more precise the Greys? You know the ones.Tall, thin with large almond eyes and even larger fingers. They abduct you and proceed to insert things into every orifice against your will. Pardon the pun. 

Let me put you in the picture. It all started two nights ago.
We live in an old cottage which is situated in a forest. The wife and myself have lived there for over thirty five happy years. During that time we have brought up a family and a weird assortment of animals; dogs, horses, goats and many more.
Let me start the story. My wife has a very real fear of aliens, especially Greys. She really believes they exist, and who am I to argue with her. It’s a vast universe out there. I often ask her if she can ever remember being abducted by Greys? She tells me she can’t. How do you know they are real then and not in your imagination I ask her? She says she doesn’t think Greys are real, she knows they are. At this stage I always start feeling uneasy. 
This particular night my wife had gone to sleep with her iPod earphones still in her ears. She had then been woken up with the news story of a BBC sports reporter who had seen a UFO above his car the previous evening:

Mike Sewell was driving to Stansted Airport when he claims he saw the disc-shaped craft zipping over the Hertfordshire countryside at 4.15am.
Speaking on Radio Five Live, he said he was "gobsmacked" when he saw the odd flashing lights just a few hundred yards from the road. "I saw this big bright light in the sky…

After my wife listened to the programme she eventually dropped off to sleep again. It was then she had the nightmare. She was outside in the garden with bare feet. Just above her and above the pine trees was a white light. She felt paralysed. Next she saw the same light approaching from the wood. She told me that in the dream she felt real fear. As the light approached her she could make out the shape of a tall, thin creature which to her looked like a Grey. It seemed to be beckoning her but she couldn’t move. When I asked my wife for a description of the alien, all she could tell me is it gave out a power that sapped her whole being. She tried to resist this but was growing weaker in the dream and started moving towards it. As it reached out to touch her she thought she could hear our Rottweiler, named Woody barking. Woody had died several years earlier. As the barking got louder she woke up.
Both my wife and myself are fiction writers and can put together a story. But the story above is true and accurate as I can tell it.
One last thing. The branch on the top of the fir tree is broken.