Sunday 10 July 2011

Starting the eBook for children

After doing an outline and getting my head around viewpoint, I have at last started my very first children’s story Wizardess Clothilda.
It’s about a ten and a half year old wizardess called Clothilda. She lives in another universe called Orbel with her father who is Lord Crackle the chief wizard of all Orbel. Clothilda has always wanted to become a wizardess. Her father wants her to become a witch like all the other girls in Orbel.
Clothilda is always having accidents, but when she drops the magic Orb of Orbel it starts a series of events that no one, not even Clothilda can stop.
I have always told my children stories when they were young and now I’m telling my grandchildren the same stories. I thought it would be a lovely thing if I could get them down in eBook format. I was delighted to see the amount of help there is on the net, and other people of like minds who are travelling the same path. Good luck and a little magic to us all. It’s going to be an interesting journey.
I will try my best to keep this blog active at least once a month.

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