Saturday 16 July 2011

Manages to write books in her sleep!



When I sit down to start a days writing I do anything rather than start. What’s worse is I can hear my wife in the next room, her keyboard sounds if there is a robot working it. She must really be inspired. Which is quite depressing. Carol my wife who has been a published writer now for thirty-two years, manages to write books in her sleep. I try to bring to mind all the how to books and blogs I’ve soaked up over the years, I decide to write for ten minutes flat to get something down on my word document. Ten minutes later I have a lot of words but they don’t make sense so I delete. I then have a great idea! I decide to ask my wife if she wants a tea, this should slow her down. Wrong! She doesn’t look up just keeps on typing. “Thank you darling.” she replies. Where’s she getting all her ideas ? Is she plugged into the mother ship? I wonder if there is only a limited amount of inspiration and could she be using my share? I’m now sharpening a pencil I don’t need and the inner voice has started. Other people can write eBooks but not you. I must pull myself together. What would my ten and a half year old heroin, Wizardess Clothilda do. Cry. No, she would be brave and spirited and keep going whatever happened. I make another cup of tea and try to ignore the fact that my wife hasn’t paused once. I then remember Carol telling me. If you start a story then decide to stop, It’s like putting your characters in a coffin and nailing the lid down. I am reminded of Killing Bill and start writing with a new fervour.

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