Saturday 23 July 2011

My hands cuffed to the trolley.

I was with my wife in Tesco’s supermarket yesterday evening, my hands cuffed to the trolley as usual to stop me wandering. Then I hear bird song, very clear and beautiful from somewhere in the store. At first I thought it was coming from the speakers but other people are looking up and pointing at two small robins who have built a nest on one of the metal girders. They are both trying to out-do each other.
The high ceiling is giving their music great acoustics and everybody has stopped and are listening, even the store's background music is turned off. All you can hear now is robins, reaching higher and more beautiful notes together. At this moment in time I’m quite emotional, I feel I’m in The Shawshank Redemption.
Too soon the world within the store comes back to normal, people talk and laugh as if embarrassed by what they felt and witnessed. We had shared something special together.
This is a quote from my heroine Wizardess Clothilda, and I can’t help but agree! “Magic happens when you least expect it, you just have to look, listen, and appreciate.”

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