Saturday 23 July 2011

My hands cuffed to the trolley.

I was with my wife in Tesco’s supermarket yesterday evening, my hands cuffed to the trolley as usual to stop me wandering. Then I hear bird song, very clear and beautiful from somewhere in the store. At first I thought it was coming from the speakers but other people are looking up and pointing at two small robins who have built a nest on one of the metal girders. They are both trying to out-do each other.
The high ceiling is giving their music great acoustics and everybody has stopped and are listening, even the store's background music is turned off. All you can hear now is robins, reaching higher and more beautiful notes together. At this moment in time I’m quite emotional, I feel I’m in The Shawshank Redemption.
Too soon the world within the store comes back to normal, people talk and laugh as if embarrassed by what they felt and witnessed. We had shared something special together.
This is a quote from my heroine Wizardess Clothilda, and I can’t help but agree! “Magic happens when you least expect it, you just have to look, listen, and appreciate.”

Saturday 16 July 2011

Is she plugged into the mother ship?

When I sit down to start a days writing I do anything rather than start. What’s worse is I can hear my wife in the next room, her keyboard sounds if there is a robot working it. She must really be inspired. Which is quite depressing. Carol my wife who has been a published writer now for thirty-two years, manages to write books in her sleep.
I try to bring to mind all the how to books and blogs I’ve soaked up over the years, I decide to write for ten minutes flat to get something down on my word document.
Ten minutes later I have a lot of words but they don’t make sense so I delete.
I then have a great idea! I decide to ask my wife if she wants a tea, this should slow her down. Wrong! She doesn’t look up just keeps on typing. “Thank you darling.” she replies.
Where’s she getting all her ideas ? Is she plugged into the mother ship? I wonder if there is only a limited amount of inspiration and could she be using my share?
I’m now sharpening a pencil I don’t need and the inner voice has started. Other people can write eBooks but not you. I must pull myself together. What would my ten-and-a-half year old heroine, Wizardess Clothilda do. Cry. No, she would be brave and spirited and keep going whatever happened. I make another cup of tea and try to ignore the fact that my wife hasn’t paused once.
I then remember Carol telling me. If you start a story then decide to stop, It’s like putting your characters in a coffin and nailing the lid down. I am reminded of Killing Bill and start writing with a new fervour.

Manages to write books in her sleep!



When I sit down to start a days writing I do anything rather than start. What’s worse is I can hear my wife in the next room, her keyboard sounds if there is a robot working it. She must really be inspired. Which is quite depressing. Carol my wife who has been a published writer now for thirty-two years, manages to write books in her sleep. I try to bring to mind all the how to books and blogs I’ve soaked up over the years, I decide to write for ten minutes flat to get something down on my word document. Ten minutes later I have a lot of words but they don’t make sense so I delete. I then have a great idea! I decide to ask my wife if she wants a tea, this should slow her down. Wrong! She doesn’t look up just keeps on typing. “Thank you darling.” she replies. Where’s she getting all her ideas ? Is she plugged into the mother ship? I wonder if there is only a limited amount of inspiration and could she be using my share? I’m now sharpening a pencil I don’t need and the inner voice has started. Other people can write eBooks but not you. I must pull myself together. What would my ten and a half year old heroin, Wizardess Clothilda do. Cry. No, she would be brave and spirited and keep going whatever happened. I make another cup of tea and try to ignore the fact that my wife hasn’t paused once. I then remember Carol telling me. If you start a story then decide to stop, It’s like putting your characters in a coffin and nailing the lid down. I am reminded of Killing Bill and start writing with a new fervour.

Sunday 10 July 2011

Starting the eBook for children

After doing an outline and getting my head around viewpoint, I have at last started my very first children’s story Wizardess Clothilda.
It’s about a ten and a half year old wizardess called Clothilda. She lives in another universe called Orbel with her father who is Lord Crackle the chief wizard of all Orbel. Clothilda has always wanted to become a wizardess. Her father wants her to become a witch like all the other girls in Orbel.
Clothilda is always having accidents, but when she drops the magic Orb of Orbel it starts a series of events that no one, not even Clothilda can stop.
I have always told my children stories when they were young and now I’m telling my grandchildren the same stories. I thought it would be a lovely thing if I could get them down in eBook format. I was delighted to see the amount of help there is on the net, and other people of like minds who are travelling the same path. Good luck and a little magic to us all. It’s going to be an interesting journey.
I will try my best to keep this blog active at least once a month.